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Scope Out South Bend

A treasure hunt with telescopes.

Scope Out South Bend is an opportunity during South Bend's sesquicentennial for families and individuals to borrow telescopes from eight local libraries.  During the three-week loan they hunt for clues in the city using the telescopes.  Observers who record six clues are eligible to win a Galileoscope and up to $150.00.


Scope Out South Bend is an initiative with Dr. Kate Rueff, a local astronomer who has a proven commitment to STEM education and public outreach.  Funding for telescopes and prize money is from an SB150 grant.  The online page for this program is one of three topics under the new website 




In May 2018 the SouthBendAstro website went dormant.  Pages have been saved as PDFs.  Until they are uploaded here, please contact Chuck Bueter for files.

© 2024 Chuck Bueter
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