Nighwise Launches Anew
I am re-launching my as we enter 2015. Here you can read my blog posts, peruse grass-roots astronomy projects in our community, find ideas for dark-sky advocacy, celebrate South Bend's 150th anniversary, prepare for the 2017 solar eclipse, steer kids to AstroCamp, check out the weather on Lake Michigan or on the sun, check out my previous projects, and much more. While not all content is in place, this ship must set sail.
This is the third iteration of The first website debuted around 2004, followed by a second version from 2011 through 2014. You'll notice the design colors are darker and more red. That's deliberate as I try to move away from bluer lights at night--you should, too. More on that topic in future blog posts and Dark Skies content. I welcome your critical feedback.

The switch to a new platform ( was prompted by yet another malicious attack on all my websites. Really, hackers, is that necessary? So I've now stumbled and fumbled through MS FrontPage (Paper Plate Education), Dreamweaver (Let There Be Night), Joomla (Transit of Venus), Concrete5 (AstroCamp) and more.
Websites are a conduit to current activities as well as an archive of past connections and labor. In re-building this site I'm reminded of all the people and institutions that have supported my pursuits. Thank you much for being there so kindly through the years, with special acknowledgment to my wife Mary. I look forward to future endeavors with you all.