Earth and Stars at Park
The Michiana Star Party on May 15-17, 2015, will partner with Dr. TK Lawless Park for its Earth Day celebration that Saturday the 16th. A placemat with the afternoon schedule of events is printed and is being distributed around Cass County, MI. Not on the placemat but in the morning are the first of four star party talks, with Nick Schuck presenting Astro Gadgets at 11:00 a.m. and Dr. Grant Mathews presenting Future Sky at 1:00 p.m.

Saturday's outdoor events segue from the acoustic jam around the campfire to the beginning of stargazing and telescoping at twilight. Please strive to limit all errant light for the observers in the field. We remind all visitors that all flashlights must be red filtered, for which Michiana Astronomical Society Inc. will provide red cellophane. Another convenient trick is to put the opening of a large red balloon over the end of your flashlight. Visitors to Earth Day celebration should park so that their headlights are not facing the telescope field when they turn on their cars and exit the parking lot. Please plan your night with the intention of having no white lights visible.
From text of the placemat...
Come listen, learn, laugh & play outside! Enjoy the beauty of Nature right here in our neck of the woods.
Schedule of Activities:
2:00 - Local Vendors and Educational exhibits open!
Hands-on children activities at several booths including art in the park!
MSUE informational booth on lake invasive species including Starry Stonewort! !
Book exchange booth - drop-off used books/take books home!
Juggler at Large will be wandering and performing throughout the day!
2:00 - David Fuller, Astronomical Society speaker - Light Pollution ! 2:20 - Presentation by Therese Dorau, Director of Office of Sustainability, City of South Bend!
3:00 - The Winsome Hags - Stories & Folk Music!
3:30 Live Birds of Prey meet & greet - Lake Milton Raptor Education Center (2 hours)! 4:00 Wil Redding - Naturalist/Storyteller explains the connection between the sand hill crane & the moon! 5:00 - All Species Parade and Prayer for the Earth - come in costume of any species you desire ! 5:30 - John Dudley Magic Show! 6:15 - Cake Walk (.50 cents per game) ! 6:15 Walking tour with local farmer/entomologist - Bill Westrate!
7:00 - Lee Holdrige - Singer/Songwriter! 8:00 - The ChillBillys host acoustic jam around campfire - bring your instrument !
Get a View of the Park From A Wagon Ride or Hike By Foot - See New Interpretive Nature Trail
Late night enjoy the Campfire, Star Gazing & Owl Calling
(camping available through Michiana Astronomical Society Star Party)
Volunteer! contact Korie at 269-506-8334 or to help make this event great. ! Visit us on Facebook and our website