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Transit of Venus

When Venus passes in front of the sun.

Go straight to my website

In 2004 and 2012, Venus appeared as a small black dot when the planet passed in front of the Sun.  For this rare phenomenon I created original content, compiled links to other credible sources, coordinated significant education and public outreach, wrote papers, created a premiere Transit of Venus website, and generally immersed myself in all things ToV.  


The next transit of Venus will occur in December 2117, when our descendants will open a Transit of Venus Time Keg from the 2012 event.  My transit of Venus website was at, with excerpts below.

Aaarghh!  All that work!  Due to malicious attacks on my Transit of Venus website I had to take it offline.  Contact me if you really need some ToV content badly, or grab PDF excerpt below.    Feb. 2015


Four-minute trailer summarizes the history and significance of the transit of Venus while preparing for June 5-6, 2012, spectacle. Story traces its value from early expeditions seeking to measure the size of the solar system, to similarities with transits around distant stars being detected by the Kepler spacecraft. Was available in full-dome video for digital theaters.  Produced with Patrick McPike.


For a recap of what happened for the 2012 transit of Venus, please see Prezi at  


(And give it time to load fully.)

Website Excerpts

The Transit of Venus website and its archive of resources are offline due to malicious attacks.  The 2004 and 2012 versions are saved as PDF files, linked below.

Click to view PDF excerpts from the 2004 Transit of Venus website. 


More PDF excerpts (see list below) from the 2012 Transit of Venus website are forthcoming. 


2012 website pages saved as PDF files:



1761 & 1769.pdf

1874 & 1882.pdf

2004 & 2012.pdf

Activity/ Pixel Count.pdf

Black Drop Effect Bistro Coffee.pdf

Black Drop Effect.pdf

Can I Use Welding Glass to View the Sun?.pdf

Chauvin-Between Captain Cook and Mauna Kea/ The British 1874 Transit of Venus Expedition to Hawaii.pdf


Closure for Transit of Venus.pdf

Community Celebrates.pdf

Crowd Gathers to Witness the 2004 Transit of Venus.pdf

Galileoscope Solar Filter.pdf


Latest News.pdf

Links/ The Arts.pdf


Must-See TV (Transit Venus) Screen.pdf

New Discoveries.pdf

Night of the Transit.pdf

Other History.pdf

PHM Transit of Venus Art Contest.pdf


Plan a Community Celebration.pdf




Poster/ Countdown to the Transit of Venus.pdf

Poster/ Transit of Venus Time Keg.pdf




Science & Math.pdf

Sermon Suggested by the Transit of Venus.pdf

Site Map.pdf


Six Ways to See the Transit of Venus.pdf

Spanish Version of Sun Funnel/ El Embudo Solar.pdf


Teacher Resources.pdf

The Arts and the Transit of Venus.pdf

Time to Set Sail.pdf

Transit of Venus-Home.pdf

Travel & Tours.pdf

TROVE Adventure-map.pdf

TROVE/ Celebrating the TRansit Of VEnus.pdf

Universe in the Classroom Features Transit of Venus.pdf

US Naval Observatory Expeditions - USNO-Page 2.pdf

US Naval Observatory Expeditions.pdf

Video & New Media.pdf

Video/ The Transit of Venus.pdf

Viewing Great, Timing Difficult.pdf

Viewing the Transit & Eye Safety.pdf

Vision For Future.pdf

What causes the Black Drop Effect?.pdf

What if it's cloudy?.pdf

What's New? - 2003.pdf

What's New? - 2004.pdf

What's New? - 2005.pdf

What's New? - 2006.pdf

What's New? - 2007.pdf

What's New? - 2009.pdf

What's New? - 2010.pdf

What's New? - 2011b.pdf

What's New?.pdf

When is the next transit of Venus after 2012?.pdf

Where to Be.pdf

You Can Learn a Lot From a Dot.pdf

© 2024 Chuck Bueter
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